1 Thessalonians - Part 5 - The Sure and Sudden Return of the Risen Christ


Scripture Reading: 1 Thessalonians 5:1-11

Key Thought: The Return!

  1. In what way is the resurrection “a means to an end?”

    i) What is the end?

  2. What is the chief focus of 1st Thessalonians? is this the focus of your life?

  3. What do we know about the return of Jesus?

    i) What are its implications for our lives?

  4. How should we live as ‘children of the day?”

  5. What is the significance of the ‘armor’ in the text?

    i) Why would the Christian need to wear armor?

  6. What does God want for us?

    i) How should this affect our lives?

1 Thessalonians - Part 4 - Ressurection


Scripture Reading: 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18

Key Thought: Encourage One Another!

Useful Passages for further study: 1 Corinthians 15 and Matthew 24

  1. Why does Paul need to remind the Thessalonians of the resurrection?

    i) What would be different if they did not know about the resurrection?

  2. Do you think we are “uniformed” in any of these matters today?

    i) The Thessalonians seem to have overemphasized (or at least misunderstood) some issues of theology, yet were uninformed considering other essential Christian teachings. Do we have similar issues today?

  3. What does it mean to “encourage on another with these words?”

    i) How does the resurrection encourage us today?

    ii) How does this teaching change our view of those who have died?

    iii) How does it change the way we live right now?

1 Thessalonians - Part 3 - Holiness


Scripture Reading: 1 Thessalonians 4:1-12

  1. In Paul`s prayer in 1 Thessalonians 3:11-13, he concludes with the return of Jesus Christ. How should the ‘Return of Christ’ affect our lives?

    i) In what ares of your life, do you need to improve?

  2. What does it mean to ‘abound’?

    i) How can you abound?

  3. What is goes will for us, as followers? How does that look like in your own life?

  4. What do you think of Paul’s understanding of sexual immorality?

  5. How can we reach the goals of purity & honour in our own sexual lives?

  6. How does ‘brotherly love’ relate to this matter?

1 Thessalonians - Part 2 - Family


Scripture Reading: 1 Thessalonians 1 Chapters 2-3

Key Thought: Family is Important!

  1. When the Thessalonians cannot refute Paul what do they do?

    i) Have you ever experienced the same thing happening to you?

  2. What are some of the accusations made against the Apostle Paul?

    i) Have you ever been wrongfully accused of something in your Christian life?

  3. How does Paul respond to the accusations?

  4. What four family metaphors does Paul use to explain how he related to the Thessalonians?

  5. Imagine what a church would be like if everyone followed Paul’s example. Be specific in what you think it might like look like.

1 Thessalonians - Part 1 - Love in Action


Scripture Reading: 1 Thes. 1:1-10

Key Thought: Encourage One Another

  1. How did Paul end up in Europe?

  2. Why was Thessalonica such an important city?

  3. Why would Paul worry about the church in Thessalonica?

    i) Do you know anyone in this situation?

  4. What does Paul hear about the Thessalonians that makes him happy?

  5. What does Paul tell the church in Thessalonica to encourage them in their times of difficulty?

    i) Is there someone you know that needs to hear the same things?

Following Jesus for the Right Reasons


Scripture Reading: John 6:1-15

Key Thought: Following Jesus for the right reasons

  1. What are some of the ways we may be tempted to follow Jesus for the wrong reasons today?

    i) How do these correspond to the text of John 6:1-15?

  2. What was the motivation of the people to follow Jesus in John 6:1-15? (See also Matt 14:14, Mark 6:34).

    i) What motivates you today to follow Jesus?

  3. In your own words describe what recognizing the limitations of my own self-sufficiencylooks like in your personal walk with Jesus today.

    i) How is this evidenced in your life?

  4. In following Jesus for the right reasons, we must learn to do nothing (John 6:10). What does this mean to us today and how do we reconcile this with Matthew 6:33?

  5. What does it mean to be content in following Jesus today?

    i) Look at Phil. 4:11-12, why are we today often not content?

    ii) What are some practical steps to practice contentment in your walk with Jesus today?

His Story - Part 6 - Resurrection


Scripture Reading: John 20:1-18

Key Thought: He is RISEN!!

  1. What is the Kerygma?

    i) Why is it important?

  2. What does the resurrection prove?

    i) What is it important to the Christian Faith?

  3. What do we learn from Mary Magdalene, The Disciples, and the person on the road to Emmaus?

    i) How does this teach us about faith?

  4. In what way is the believer empowered by the truth of of the resurrection?

    i) What does the believer receive because Christ is raised?

  5. The resurrection is prophetic. What does it picture?

    i) How does this help you grow in your faith?

His Story - Part 5 - Jesus: King


Scripture Reading: John 12:12-26

Key Thought: Jesus King

  1. What is the fundamental sin of human beings?

    i) Where do you see this sin in your life?

  2. When Jesus is called the 2nd Adam, what does this mean?

  3. When we talk about “A Murder Announced”, how was the murder of Christ announced?

    i) Can you name biblical texts where his murder was announced?

  4. Why is it important that Jesus is not just a man but a king?

    i) What significance does that have for your life?

  5. How would you explain Jesus as 2nd Adam, Son of God, King, and Priest?

    i) How does it come all together and how does it affect your spiritual life?

His Story - Part 4 - Jesus: Priest


Scripture Reading: Hebrews 1-2

Key Thought: We have a High Priest who can relate to us in every way!!!

  1. Why can we not make our way back to God?

  2. What is the Promise in Genesis 3 that gives us hope?

  3. In what ways does Hebrews show us that Jesus is God?

    i) Why is this important?

  4. Why would the writer spend time showing us that The son is superior to angels?

    i) How does he do this?

  5. After the writer shows us Jesus is superior to the angels, why would he tell us that Jesus became a little lower than the angels?

  6. Why would Jesus become a little lower than the angels?

    i) How do these truths give us encouragement in our spiritual lives?